Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Pet Post

Hey everyone! Well it's less than a month from the start of class. We are enjoying the summer but are looking forward to starting class and meeting new people.

This week we had some fun with the pets. They are transitioning well to Wisconsin. Bailey has been getting pretty husky aka FAT. We have been wondering where these extra pounds were coming from until we got this photographic evidence.

Now we know Bailey can't get fat from drinking Zorro's water but he often drinks the water only after eating Zorro's food. We can only imagine what all that fat and protein in dog food is doing to Bailey's once sexy body.

To further demonstrate Bailey's huskiness, we had him try on one of Zorro's old muscle shirts. He would only agree to wear the shirt after being bribed with carrots.

His little arms look like sausages or bratwursts.

Moving on to Zorro. He had quite an exciting weekend and got to explore another first in his life: canoeing! Zorro did much better than we were expecting. He wasn't scared and enjoyed running all around the canoe looking off the edge and grumbling at ducks.
As you can see, Zorro REALLY enjoyed the outing.
Ashley told him a really funny joke right there.
It's been really nice in Madison and hope this weather continues. Ashley is all done with her lab rotation and gets two weeks off while her tireless husband continues work. He will probably get sick sometime during the second week and will be forced to end work early. Orientation starts the last week of this month. Ashley will be wined and dined while Jimmy will have to do some kind of volunteer work. It's like CSUMB all over again. Hope everyone is doing well!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This is coming to you as live as it can be from my crappy half cubicle! Ash and I tried out being hermits this past weekend and realized it's not for us. So no pictures this week. This weekend we plan on going to the movies to see Pineapple Express and Stepbrothers. We are also going canoe-ing on the lake with Zorro. Hilarious pictures are guaranteed to ensue.

As for me, law school starts in under a month and I am beginning to wonder why Ash and I didn't just run off somewhere or just slept for a year before doing all this craziness. I guess it's ok though because I cannot imagine working like this for more than the 3 months I'm doing it. In any case, I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your lives. See you in about 4 and a half months! I expect gifts!